Coordination of Polyketide Release and Multiple Detoxification Pathways for Tolerable Production of Fungal Mycotoxins

来源 :基础医学系    发布时间 :2023-10-26    浏览次数 :163


Efficient biosynthesis of microbial bioactive natural products (NPs) is beneficial for the survival of producers, while self-protection is necessary to avoid self-harm resulting from over-accumulation of NPs. The underlying mechanisms for the effective but tolerable production of bioactive NPs are not well understood. Herein, in the biosynthesis of two fungal polyketide mycotoxins aurovertin E (1) and asteltoxin, we show that the cyclases in the gene clusters promote the release of the polyketide backbone, and reveal that a signal peptide is crucial for their subcellular localization and full activity. Meanwhile, the fungus adopts enzymatic acetylation as the major detoxification pathway of 1. If intermediates are over-produced, the non-enzymatic shunt pathways work as salvage pathways to avoid excessive accumulation of the toxic metabolites for self-protection. These findings provided new insight into the interplay of efficient backbone release and multiple detoxification strategies for the production of fungal bioactive NPs.

原文链接:Coordination of Polyketide Release and Multiple Detoxification Pathways for Tolerable Production of Fungal Mycotoxins - Cao - 2023 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library