Cell landscape of larval and adult Xenopus laevis at single-cell resolution

来源 :基础医学系    发布时间 :2022-09-15    浏览次数 :177


The rapid development of high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing technology offers a good opportunity to dissect cell heterogeneity of animals. A large number of organism-wide single-cell atlases have been constructed for vertebrates such as Homo sapiens, Macaca fascicularis, Mus musculus and Danio rerio. However, an intermediate taxon that links mammals to vertebrates of more ancient origin is still lacking. Here, we construct the first Xenopus cell landscape to date, including larval and adult organs. Common cell lineage-specific transcription factors have been identified in vertebrates, including fish, amphibians and mammals. The comparison of larval and adult erythrocytes identifies stage-specific hemoglobin subtypes, as well as a common type of cluster containing both larval and adult hemoglobin, mainly at NF59. In addition, cell lineages originating from all three layers exhibits both antigen processing and presentation during metamorphosis, indicating a common regulatory mechanism during metamorphosis. Overall, our study provides a large-scale resource for research on Xenopus metamorphosis and adult organs.

原文链接:Cell landscape of larval and adult Xenopus laevis at single-cell resolution | Nature Communications