ZJU Global Dialogue Series-"Insulin-like growth factors as mediators of therapy resistance" was delivered on August 16, 2022

来源 :F020026    发布时间 :2022-08-16    浏览次数 :572

  Professor Valentine Macaulay from University of Oxford delivered a wonderful talk entitled "Insulin-like growth factors as mediators of therapy resistance" on August 16, 2022, which was supported by Zhejiang University Global Partnership Fund. The talk was chaired by Professor ZHOU Yiting, from School of Basic Medical Sciences, ZJU.


  Prof. Macaulay qualified as a doctor at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School and trained in Medical Oncology at the Royal Marsden Hospital London and Churchill Hospital Oxford. Following a PhD with Alan Ashworth at Chester Beatty Laboratories in London, her postdoctoral training was supported by MRC Clinician Scientist and Cancer Research UK Senior Clinical Fellowships and HEFCE Clinical Senior Lectureship.

  Prof. Macaulay was Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology, University of Oxford from 2001 to 2021, now Emeritus Associate Professor, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford. Her laboratory uses basic, translational and clinical research to investigate the role of IGFs in prostate cancer and is supported by collaborating clinicians and scientists in Oxford and elsewhere.


  Professor Macaulay first led the teachers and students to review the differences between cancer cells and normal cells. Starting from the morphological structure and physiological characteristics of cancer cells, he proposed the goals of cancer treatment research: first, understand how cancer grows and spreads; Second, develop new ideas different from traditional treatment methods to prevent the growth of cancer. The ultimate goal of both is to prevent the occurrence of cancer.