Prof. Jin Zhang's group published on Stem Cell Reports

来源 : F020017     发布时间 :2021-10-22    浏览次数 :148
On July 31st 2021, Yuqing Zhu from Dr. Jin Zhang’s group published Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) show cell-to-cell heterogeneity at Stem Cell Report. 
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Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) show cell-to-cell heterogeneity. A small number of two-cell-like cells (2CLCs) marked by endogenous retrovirus activation emerge spontaneously. The 2CLCs are unstable and they are prone to transiting back to the pluripotent state without extrinsic stimulus. To understand how this bidirectional transition takes place, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing on isolated 2CLCs that underwent 2C-like state exit and re-entry, and revealed a step-by-step transitional process between 2C-like and pluripotent states. Mechanistically, we found that cell cycle played an important role in mediating these transitions by regulating assembly of the nucleolus and peri-nucleolar heterochromatin to influence 2C gene Dux expression. Collectively, our findings provide a roadmap of the 2C-like state entry and exit in ESCs and also a causal role of the cell cycle in promoting these transitions.