姓名 | 题目 | 中心 | 奖项 |
万伟 | mTORC1 Phosphorylates Acetyltransferase p300 to Regulate Autophagy and Lipogenesis | 分子医学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
万乐栋 | SRSF6-Regulated Alternative Splicing that Promotes Tumor Progression Offers a Therapy Target for Colorectal Cancer | 肿瘤中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
龚卉 | Phosphatase SHP2 Regulates Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell in Development and Vascular Rem | 分子医学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
张小燕、段夺 | Glial cells sense odorants autonomously and promote olfactory adaptation in C. elegans. | 神经科学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
徐琴 | Phosphatase PP2A is requisite for TH17 differentiation | 感染与免疫中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
刘洋 | Investigation of a senescence membrane biomarker and its regulation axis | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
胡亚玲 | Metabolic reprogramming: a mTOR-hexokinase axis affair in microglial activation | 神经科学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
田苗 | Interferon regulatory factor 3(IRF3) Attenuates Colorectal Cancer Progression through activating Wnt/b-catenin signal pathway | 感染与免疫中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
吴学标 | AKR1B1 promotes basal-like breast cancer progression by a positive feedback loop that activates the EMT program | 肿瘤中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
陆喦 | Palmitoylation effects Nod1/2 function on inflammatory response | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 十佳研究生墙报奖 |
施岳俐 | Shp2-ENH interaction regulates TGFβ-induced EMT/EndMT | 分子医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
李爽 | The research of Ephrin in gastric cancer metastasis | 分子医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
屠慧惠 | hsa-miR-X-5p inhibit autophagasome maturation by suppressing auto-lysosome fusion in tuberculosis macrophage | 分子医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
萨娜·萨恒别克 | Circulating Cell-free HMGA2 mRNA as a Detection Marker in the Serum of Colorectal Cancer Patients | 肿瘤中心 | 原创学术奖 |
胡哲纯 | Regulation of neurogenesis by Lin28a in the adult hippocampus | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
尤志远 | Acetylation of SQSTM11/p62 facilitates SQSTM1/p62 body formation and Autophagic Clearance Ubiquitinated proteins | 分子医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
郭郁仙 | Myeloid-restricted ablation of Shp2 restrains melanoma growth by amplifying the reciprocal promotion of CXCL9 and IFN-γ production in tumor microenvironment | 分子医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
张显著 | Inhibition of YAP activity maintains chondrocyte phenotype on stiff matrix and protects cartilage in osteoarthritis | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 原创学术奖 |
耿蔚然 | Supplement Celsior solution with linagliptin improved myocardial function recovery in rat hearts suffered from hypothermia preservation | 肿瘤中心 | 创意设计奖 |
周飞飞 | Tissue-adhesive hydrogels with in-situ forming and reinforced mechanical capability for osteochondral defect repair | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 创意设计奖 |
王宇沙 | Reduction of GCN5 ameliorates Phenotypes in tau-based AD drosophila Model by Increasing TFEB Activity and Autophagy | 分子医学中心 | 技术达人奖 |
刘昌铭 | Zhibai Dihuang Granule treat Yin-deficiency-heat syndrome by regulating coagulation and complement cascades pathway | 分子医学中心 | 技术达人奖 |
郑兆红 | Role of Nrf2 in the development of colorectal cancer | 肿瘤中心 | 技术达人奖 |
义玉思 | 血红素诱导巨噬细胞放大炎症反应 | 感染与免疫中心 | 学术新人奖 |
张燚 | FOXC1 as a potential biomarker promotes Colorectal Cancer(CRC) Metastasis | 肿瘤中心 | 学术新人奖 |
周雯艳 | Single-cell analysis reveals distinct immunomodulatory capacity and metabolic activity of mesenchymal stem cells from different sources | 干细胞与再生医学中心 | 最佳人气奖 |
张筱荻 | Knockdown of Golgi phosphoprotein 2 inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation and motility | 分子医学中心 | 最佳人气奖 |
邢美春 | Acute MUS81 depletion leads to replication fork slowing and a constitutive DNA damage response | 分子医学中心 | 最佳人气奖 |
黄佳琪 | ENH regulates phosphorylation of eNOS in vascular romodeling | 分子医学中心 | 最佳人气奖 |
林峰 | The function of cfp1 in CD8T cells | 感染与免疫中心 | 最佳人气奖 |